THe gary g. watson
How To Get celebrity photographs and audio-visual interviews
Once and again I welcome you to this website. Here you will see the history captured via photography that I have acquired throughout my many years as a fearless photojournalist. Some may wonder how can one man acquire such a huge amount of photographs with so many famed celebrities. This was done by simply asking and having them say yes. There was no one out there that can match the plentiful bounty of historic moments and countless celebrities as yours truly, World Famous Gary G. Watson. With that being said here are few of my many treasured and unforgettable photos and I hope that you will find your visit here informative as well as entertaining.

- My collection contains over 5000 and counting Photographs, in addition many Video Clips Circa 1967 to the present. Please note: many photo images displayed here were captured by consumer grade and professional cameras of the period.